Updated by Board Resolution October 2022.
Kyu (white belt) tests are to be conducted by the candidate’s personal instructor or another ASU instructor in good standing as follows:
Dan testing is to take place before a testing board: either at an ASU seminar, intensive or camp lead by one or more ASU instructors or at a “testing-only” event at an ASU dojo, at which other ASU Dojos are invited to participate.It is recommended that the student submit a Candidate Biography to the testing board prior to the test. It is the responsibility of the candidate’s instructor to verify that all requirements are met and to notify the testing board of this in advance.
Additional Considerations:
Students must attend at least two-thirds (2/3) of a seminar, intensive or camp to have it recorded in the yudansha passport.
Only ASU approved camps qualify for promotion. Currently these are Summer Camp in Washington, D.C., Shrine Sessions and Winter Camp in St. Petersburg, FL.
In order to qualify, seminars/Intensives must have eight hours or more of training time (i.e., aside from time taken for testing) and are to be ASU seminars/intensives (i.e., those taught solely by ASU instructors), except that one seminar for each promotion may be taught by a non-ASU instructor or be a “friendship” seminar with various teachers from different organizations. The majority of instructors at all such seminars/intensives must have a sixth dan or above issued by the Hombu Aikikai.
ASU dues must be up-do-date for the requisite minimum number of years for testing to take place.
The ASU Dan Application Form (Shodan Application, Nidan-Sandan-Yondan Application) for the appropriate rank is to be filled online and the printed pages (Candidate Biography, Application for Replacement Passbook if applicable) duly filled in and signed, and must be submitted to the ASU office along with the testing fees as soon as possible after the examination, in order to validate qualifications and to send on to Aikikai Hombu in a timely manner.
These may be requested for a student via e-mail from the dojo-cho to the Board Secretary who will forward them to the Waiver Committee. Waivers are for family, work, or health issues, not for financial problems. A scholarship program is in place to help those students with financial constraints.
The following recommendations were resolved by the ASU Board Examination Committee (EC) to identify accommodations that might be necessary when considering an examinee’s age (elder/younger) and disabilities or limitations (physical/mental). The EC were also asked to identify an approach that takes an examinee’s limitations into consideration while still providing a test reviewer(s) the capability to assess an examinee’s progress toward yudansha rank: an assessment of physical and movement skills development; the ability to resolve attack conflict using Aikido technique, etc. for the expressed purpose of providing optimal space for the performance of a successful examination and avoiding the possibility of injury.
Examinee Provides a Biographical Description
The individual presiding over the examination discusses requested accommodations with the primary instructor
The primary instructor may be asked to call the exam.
The primary instructor or a panel member may request specific ukes or specific types of ukemi
Expunge all written records of limitations and accommodations to maintain privacy
Updated by motion of the ASU Board of Directors 7/5/2022