Infinite Calculus

Infinite Calculus covers all of the fundamentals of Calculus: limits, continuity, differentiation, and integration as well as applications such as related rates and finding volume using the cylindrical shell method. Designed for all levels of learners, from beginning to advanced.

Topics Updates Trial By direct evaluation At jump discontinuities and kinks At removable discontinuities At essential discontinuities At infinity Continuity Determining and classifying Differentiation Average rates of change Definition of the derivative Instantaneous rates of change Power Rule Higher order derivatives Product Rule Quotient Rule Chain Rule Rules, using tables Trigonometric Inverse trigonometric Natural logarithms and exponentials Other base logarithms and exponentials Logarithmic Inverse functions Applications of Differentiation Slope, tangent, and normal lines Rolle's Theorem Mean Value Theorem Intervals of increase and decrease Intervals of concavity Relative extrema Absolute extrema Optimization Curve sketching Graphical comparison of f, f', and f'' Motion along a line Related rates Differentials Newton's Method Limits in form of definition of derivative L'Hopital's Rule Indefinite Integration Power Rule Logarithmic Rule and Exponentials Trigonometric Inverse trigonometric Power rule with substitution Logarithmic rule and exponentials with subs. Trigonometric with substitution Inverse trigonometric with substitution Integration by parts Definite Integration Approximating area under a curve Area under a curve by limit of sums Riemann sum tables First Fundamental Theorem of Calculus Substitution with change of variables Mean Value Theorem Second Fundamental Theorem of Calculus Applications of Integration Area under a curve Area between curves Volume by slicing, disks and washers Volume by cylinders Volume of solids with known cross sections Motion along a line revisited Differential Equations Slope fields Introduction Exponential growth and decay

Included in version 2.80.01 released 7/12/2024:

Included in version 2.80 released 6/12/2024:

Included in version 2.70.06 released 1/5/2023:

Included in version 2.70 released 7/8/2022:

Included in version 2.62 released 2/8/2022:

Included in version 2.61.03 released 9/10/2021:

Included in version 2.61 released 8/27/2021:

Included in version 2.60 released 8/19/2021:

Included in version 2.52 released 6/14/2019:

Included in version 2.50 released 4/12/2019:

Included in version 2.42 released 12/11/2018:

Included in version 2.41 released 9/26/2018:

Included in version 2.40 released 8/8/2018:

Included in version 2.25 released 4/27/2018:

Included in version 2.18 released 7/31/2017:

Included in version 2.17 released 4/27/2017:

Included in version 2.16.20 released 11/16/2016:

Included in version 2.16 released 9/16/2016:

Included in version 2.15 released 7/14/2016:

Included in version 2.11 released 5/13/2016:

Included in version 2.10 released 5/11/2016:

Included in version 2.06 released 8/3/2015:

Included in version 2.05 released 7/20/2015:

Included in version 2.04.40 released 3/31/2015:

Included in version 2.04.20 released 3/23/2015:

Included in version 2.04 released 3/17/2015:

Included in version 2.03 released 9/19/2014:

Included in version 2.02 released 8/5/2014:

Included in version 2.01 released 7/28/2014:

Included in version 2.00 released 7/23/2014: