For College Students and Administrators

College students and staff need certain immunizations. This page provides immunization information and resources for both college students and administrators.

For Students

Off to College? Make Sure You Are Up to Date On Your Vaccines

Check with your school to see which vaccines you need before starting classes. Every schools’ requirements are different.

Required or Recommended Vaccines for Students

Immunization records for students

Vaccine stories

Meet a Washington Meningitis B Survivor

Kaley Dugger got sick with meningitis B in 2004 when she was seven years old. She survived! She graduated from Seattle University and is a strong advocate for both meningococcal vaccination and people with disabilities. Read Kaley's Story and make sure you get vaccinated against meningococcal disease.

"I wait desperately for the day that no one dies from this preventable disease. Until then, I plan to raise awareness about meningitis and encourage everyone to consider vaccinating against this deadly threat." - Kaley Dugger

A Washington mom's message about meningococcal disease

"Bacterial meningitis killed my daughter, Nadia. I don't want it to happen to you or someone you love. You can help prevent meningitis by getting vaccinated with meningococcal vaccines." - Karin Willett

Karin believes there are three things college students can do to stay healthy: 1. Keep informed on health issues. 2. Adopt healthy habits. 3. (Most importantly) GET VACCINATED!"

Read Nadia's Story and make sure you get vaccinated against meningococcal disease.

"Through this horrendous experience of seeing my child suffer and then die, I must do something. My dream is to help just ONE CHILD and their family not go through this devastating disease. I must try to help eliminate meningitis from the face of the earth! We must work together!" – Karin Willett

For Administrators

Washington State's Meningococcal Education Mandate

As of July, 1, 2004, Washington law requires certain colleges to inform students about meningococcal disease and the vaccine. Is your college following this law RCW 70.54.370?

About the law

Public and private colleges in Washington that offer on-campus or group housing must provide information on meningococcal disease to each first-time student. Community and technical colleges must provide information only to students offered on-campus or group housing.

The college will work with the Washington State Department of Health on preparing their meningococcal information materials.