20 Call Center Scripts with Examples and Templates

Call center scripts assist support agents in providing the best customer experience in the unpredictable environment of customer service interactions. They can also help prevent customers from having a bad experience, which can increase customer loyalty.

Without call center customer service scripts, agents might find themselves lost for words or unable to know how to handle a situation, increasing stress and potentially employee turnover.

Call Center Scripts

Photo Attribution: ArtHub01/Shutterstock.com

In this article, we have put together a list of 20 call center scripts with actionable advice and dynamic templates that you can use to train and empower agents.

What is a Call Center Script?

Call center scripts are small, quick-reference guides that agents should use to ensure they're saying and doing the right things on every call. They can be considered "canned responses", although they are just examples and templates, and agents do need to be flexible because not all situations will exactly follow the script.

Whether your agents (or reps) are in customer service, sales, or complaints roles, every call center function has specific protocols and workflows when calls come in, and most customer interactions will fall into these scenarios. For example, very often customers either want to sign-up for a new service, get a problem resolved, make a payment, or lodge a complaint.

Why Train Agents With Call Center Scripts Examples?

Conversations with customers are dynamic. No two calls are the same. So, when we think about the term "script," we should think of "call center call flow", and having them written down and easy to access is essential for agents, especially newer ones. More experienced agents won't need to refer to them as much.

Call center scripts help ensure that agents:

20 Sample Call Center Scripts: Workflow Examples and Templates

Here are 20 call center scripts, workflows, and templates. All of them are dynamic and either industry-specific (e.g., healthcare, retail, or IT service management) or generic and can be used in any industry.

Intake and Passing Security Script

Once a customer has been identified:

Script to Confirm the Issue

Script for Getting More Information

Script for Putting a Customer on Hold

Script for a Warm Transfer: Another Team/Department

Script for a Warm Transfer: Sales or Retentions

Script for a Warm Transfer: Complaints

Script for a New Account Signup

Account signup calls are always upsell opportunities, so make sure to offer them other relevant products or services to maximize the value of every call. If your company is running promotional offers for new customers, then make sure to mention these, too.

Script for Handling an Unhappy Customer

Script and Best Practice for When There's Nothing You Can Do

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Script for Apologizing, Complaints Handling

Script for Sharing Information, Resources

Script for Healthcare

Once a customer has been identified:

Script for ITSM (IT Service Management)

Script for Retail/eCommerce Returned Items

Script for Processing Payments

Script for a Customer Questioning a Bill