We’re kicking off Teacher Appreciation Week with free downloads, webinars, and PLC/Book Study Guides. Teachers, thank you for everything you do!
In addition to all the valuable content you’ll find on our blog, we have a number of freebies at freespirit.com. Here’s a sampling.
Accommodations and Modifications for Executive Dysfunction
From Teaching Twice-Exceptional Learners in Today’s Classroom by Emily Kircher-Morris, MA., M.Ed., LPC, this reproducible form helps educators determine organizational, instructional, environmental, behavioral, and evaluative accommodations for students struggling with specific executive function skills.
Student Strengths and Preferences
To help students in middle school and high school identify their strengths and preferences, use this reproducible form from Inspiring Student Empowerment by Patti Drapeau. This type of information empowers students to make effective decisions about their learning.
Big Conversations with Young Children: Discussing Questions, Worries, Fears
Presented by Dr. Lauren Starnes, Chief Academic Officer of Goddard Schools
In working with young children, we inevitably encounter unexpected—and hard-to-answer—questions. This webinar addresses the big adult questions children often ask, questions that may cause us to pause, silence the child, or deflect the concern. The session guides you to be prepared to answer difficult questions respectfully and in ways that are developmentally appropriate with even the youngest children. We explore how to respond to big topics such as miscarriage, domestic terror events, the death of a classmate, and other equally sensitive or unsettling issues. Viewers come away from this presentation with strategies to guide them the moment a question is raised and in following up with children and families.
How Educators Can Respond to Students Experiencing Trauma
Presented by Stephanie Filio, M.Ed., school counselor and author
The word trauma used to apply to a relatively small sector of students. Not so anymore. All students faced multiple traumas in 2020 and 2021 and will continue to face them. In this webinar, school counselor Stephanie Filio, M.Ed. gives an overview of how students experience trauma at four levels: self/home, school, community, and country/world.
Educators can play a powerful role in providing coping mechanisms for students to help them process and endure our often-chaotic world. Viewers will learn about activities and resources that can assist them in responding to today’s traumas and help them to prepare for the next crisis.
Looking for more webinars? Check out our archive at freespirit.com/webinar.
Inspiring Student Empowerment is a practical, comprehensive guide to help educators go beyond student engagement and differentiation to achieve student empowerment. Grab the PLC/Book Study Guide here.
Bright, Complex Kids is a guide for understanding the complex characteristics and social and emotional needs of gifted kids. Grab the PLC/Book Study Guide here.
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